
Here at Wonder Kids, we follow a child-led program, where each individual tamariki/child is free to and encouraged to follow their interests.

Kaiako/teachers support and extend children’s learning by creating tailor-made individual plans for them.

We focus on helping children develop their social and emotional skills, as well as their independence. We strongly believe that the most important skill a child needs, is to be ready for school and the ability to ask questions, follow instructions, express their feelings, and be able to independently carry out self-help skills for example getting dressed, toileting, putting their lunchbox away.

Children at Wonder Kids play freely all day, apart from kai time and a short mat time before lunch; where we have songs, stories, and conversations. We offer many opportunities for small group activities throughout the day.

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Here at Wonder Kids Lower Hutt we believe in Relationships by providing a welcoming and engaging place of learning for our tamariki, parents, whānau, and Kaiako.